Big Unbreakable Life by Dr. Jane Smith is a rare treat, a true combination of her raw personal journey, medical insights, practical theology, and naturopathy. Written in a very reader friendly manner, this book is easy to pick up and harder to put down. I also appreciated how practical and applicable this book is. This one could really shake some mindsets and heal some lives. I am excited to see where it goes.
Best-Selling Author – Dr. Jonathan Welton
At times, this manifesto for humanity is appropriately ruthless, and with clarion perception dismantles many myths surrounding personal development. One of the things I loved while reading Big, Unbreakable Life, was that Dr. Jane doesn’t turn away or make excuses in the face of hard questions — there is access to extreme ownership (being powerful) even in the midst of challenging circumstances. This book is unapologetic, hard-hitting, gritty, and altogether wholesome and brimming with hope.
Redding, CA- Shaun Buckley
Dr. Jane’s book is truly eye opening in her grasp of the inter-working of body, soul, and spirit. This book is not based on theory and suppositions, but on actual experience. There is something in here for every person to apply to his or her own life. I love accounts of victory and winning and this is one.
Billings MT-Pastor Steve Mohrmann
For the first time, a book brings together body, soul, and spirit in a way that is understandable and empowering. Dr. Jane has created a feast of science, spirituality, and healing that readers will find encouraging as they journey from pain to healing.
Host of Let’s Stay Healthy- Joe Gary
Dr. Jane Smith creatively weaves together a wonderful spiritual, emotional, and physical “rags to riches” tale that will encourage and give hope to all who are on similar journeys. She expertly uses the metaphor of nutrition to highlight and illustrate her exodus as only one trained in that field could. Dr. Jane’s book is not just someone’s personal story but a blueprint to follow for those of you hoping to break out of your own past and present heartache and move into the Big, Unbreakable Life.
Billings, MT- Robert S Hagstrom Jr MS LCPC NCC
Dr. Jane brings us through a deeply personal journey we can all relate to and provides a very practical road map bridging mind, body, and Spirit for everyday life. She shows us how to evolve empowering beliefs to live a wholesome and rewarding life. The book touches life in a pure and honest way few authors can.
CEO Viatrexx- Stephen Emond
More than just Dr. Jane’s personal experience, this book lays out truth as a foundation to begin our own journey to wholeness with a workable plan, a menu, to support that start. Her captivating words express a Christ-like heart for all of us, providing an honest sincerity to her invitation for wholeness.
Thank you Jane, thank you.
Instructor, Montana State University Billings- Cheryl Anderson